Thursday, January 1, 2009

Eagle Eye

Hang on for a wild ride. This movie starts a little slow but makes up for it quickly. It's billed as a thriller and it's that a more. You will also find a little sci-fi, a little conspiracy theory, and a little family drama here. It's a bit like a tossed salad where you keep finding interesting surprises.

Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan are the main characters, but in my opinion, Billy Bob Thornton steals the show. Billy Bob provides some of the best comic relief and a great counter point of focus for the story. This is the first role of his in a long time, that I actually liked.

This movie far exceeded my expectations. Once it got ramped up it flew. I found myself pausing just to catch my breath and get my brain caught up with who was doing what and why and to whom. This is a great example of why I prefer watching movies on DVD, at home, to watching them in a theater.

Watch this movie with someone who can keep up.

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