Saturday, December 27, 2008

Death Race (2008)

No more violent than Braveheart. No noisier than Days of Thunder. No more outrageous than any of the Mad Max movies. In fact, this story felt a bit like Thunderdome. The smarts behind "the machine" is an evil woman. The hero is a bad boy who bends the rules in his favor. If you liked Thunderdome I predict you will like Death Race.

Jason Statham takes his Transporter character to a different level with this one. He is smarter than the average bad guy and just a little bit tougher. As usual.

Joan Allen is a bit of a surprise as the evil warden of a very unusual prison. If cold and expressionless can be called acting, then she does a great job. I wish she had put more relish into the role. It would have given more credibility to the crazy behind her make-up.

Ian McShane is much more enjoyable here than in his role in HBO's Deadwood. Much less potty mouth and much more brains. Just as plotting and evil though.

The movie had much more story than I expected and was actually as interesting as it was entertaining. You may actually find yourself cheering for the "bad guys" in the end a bit like The Longest Yard.

Watch this movie with someone who will be patient enough for the good bits.

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