Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Great Buck Howard

If this is the "old guard" making fun of itself it's pretty funny. If this is the "new guard" making fun of the old guard, it's kinda sad. I'm not sure. Can you tell?

John Malkovich is over-the-top funny here. Annoyingly odd. In fact his whole movie could be described that way. But, it is still worth watching if for no other reason that to see the performance of Colin Hanks, son of Tom Hanks, who produced and plays the father of Colin's character.

This is not a movie without a message. There are actually a couple. The two main characters both present a different moral to us. Both they both can be boiled down to a single moment. When you do what you love, the money magically appears. So go for it. There is a bit of beauty in that.

Watch this movie with someone who does not realize how funny it is when it's all about them.

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