Thursday, July 16, 2009


This is classic Disney fare, and very well done. You've got to love a movie that makes fun of Hollywood stereotypes in such a believable way. The side characters make the movie. There really are no wasted scenes. Kids of all ages should enjoy this. I did.

If you have ever had a pet, this movie may speak to you. And I'm glad they didn't silly it up having the animals talk to humans. A dog, a cat, and a hamster. If this is not the oddest buddy movie ever...

John Travolta's voice was a great match for this dog. The other voices fit well too. Nothing seem out of place.

The only thing that felt odd to me was the country music soundtrack. If you think about it though, it makes sense. That's where the movie ends, AND where much of the movie takes place - in the country.

Watch this movie with someone who gets excited as a hamster in a plastic ball and it will be way more fun.

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