Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Happening

I'm pretty sure when Al Gore saw this movie, if he did, he was shouting "I told you. You know I told you" and shaking his closed fist at the audience, the screen, and Washington, DC.

If you have already seen this movie, you know what I mean. If you have not seen it yet, and still choose to after reading this, you will know.

Writer, Director, and Producer M. Night Shyamalan had a quirky idea driving down the road one day and made it into a movie with some pretty big names. The story itself is plausible enough to work on a Hollywood level. The dialogue and acting however were SO bad (with the exception of John Leguizamo) that it made it hard to keep focused on the movie.

The film goes through a series of sappy, somewhat irrelevant, conversations punctuated by brief scenes of graphic violence. It just didn't work for me.

Unless you must see all Mark Wahlberg movies, I suggest giving this one a pass.

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