Saturday, March 8, 2008

Map of the Human Heart

This may be one of the strangest movies I've ever seen, but it is also one of the most satisfying. Director Vincent Ward (What Dreams May Come) has a knack for presenting stories in a unique way. Some people like that, and some don't.

Jason Scott Lee (Jungle Book and Lilo & Stitch) plays in Inuit with a gift for navigation. This finds him favor with a mapmaker and with the US Air Force during World War II. While all this is going on, Lee's character has a running competitive love affair with a girl he meets in a tuberculosis hospital.

Anne Parillaud (Little Nikita and Man In The Iron Mask) plays the girl who deals with attentions from both Lee's character and the mapmaker who brings him to the hospital, played by John Cusack.

What keeps love alive over the years and across the many miles? Do migratory birds need a map to return to the same nesting grounds thousands of miles from their summer homes? Do our hearts know why they feel what they do? Who knows? This movie provides no answers. But, it is a very fun, quirky, love story.

Be prepared for the unexpected and improbable. But Director Ward makes it work. It is difficult to not root for Lee's character regardless of how much you may or may not like him.

Watch this movie with someone who likes maps.

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