Sunday, December 16, 2007

Breach and Days of Glory

Over 100 pageviews in our first 10 days. Thank you. And thanks too for the encouragement.

I have not seen anything lately worth sharing however. "Breach" is too slow and bleak. I was working in the DC area during the time this movie is about, and it brought back too many bad memories. It is however very realistic and believable. The main bad guy has too much lipstick in most scenes and that drew my attention more than the what he was saying.

"Days of Glory" won several awards for foreign language films, but is very depressing. A group of Algerian soldiers are put through their paces, "Band of Brothers" style. It is sort of like an Islamic "Saving Private Ryan", in French.

As soon as I see something new that I like, I'll let you know. If that does not happen in the next few days, I'll dig back into the library for some oldies but goodies.

Peace on earth.

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