Thursday, December 20, 2007

10 Items or Less

Digging back into the past a wee bit, you'll find yet another fun little Indy flick. At the risk of falling into the cop-out of making lists, here are 10 things, or less, I like, a lot, about this movie.

1. Morgan Freeman basically plays himself. How can you not love this guy?

2. The story is full of realism and hope at the same time. A good story is half the battle.

3. The script is fast moving and crisp. You don't see everything coming, but even when you do, it's very satisfying. A well told story is the other half of the battle.

4. Want to know what living in LA is like for the vast majority of folks? This picture shows the neighborhoods and businesses as they really are. There is very little Hollywood in this movie. I love that.

5. Paz Vega is amazing. You can compare her to Penelope Cruz if you want, but I think she is far more complex and talented.

6. The soundtrack is fun. I'd buy it if it were available. But alas, it's not.

7. There is nothing gratuitous in this movie, except maybe the language.

That's enough. I don't want to fall guilty of violating any more of my own rules.

If you are getting ready for a job interview, watch this movie. If you are thinking about a career change, watch this movie. If you think you have a great job, watch this movie.

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