Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Last Legion

If you like Arthurian lore (I do), you will love how this movie ends. If you enjoy Roman history (I don't), you will appreciate how this movie begins. In between, this fun plot draws imaginary lines between the historical dots that were the last Caesar and King Arthur.

"The Last Legion" spins a story as interesting as it is fictional. Romulus Augustus, played unemotionally by Thomas Sangster, is traditionally known as the last of the Roman Emperors who, as a child, was deposed by a Germanic Chieftain named Odoacer. After that, the main character is never heard from again in traditional history, and as such, is a perfect subject for modern cinema.

This movie takes us from the banishment of young Romulus to his grandson, Arthur. The common thread that does keep the story together is a very clever Ben Kingsley.

Odoacer and his merry band of Goths look like they came directly from the set of "Braveheart". In fact, many faces are recognizable. Bad make-up and too many CG backgrounds could detract from this movie, but they are not on the screen long, and I beg you to not dwell on them. Instead enjoy the mechanical performance of the lovely Aishawarya Rai. Her eyes to ALL her best work in this movie. John Hannah plays basically the same character he did in "Four Weddings and a Funeral"and the "Mummy" movies, but don't hold that against him. He gets what's coming to him.

Since this movie was billed as a action/last-battle adventure, the Arthurian connection was a very welcome surprise. With it, I would not have enjoyed the movie so much. It would have been a weak imitation of "Gladiator" meets "LOTR".

It is worth the rental however, and is not so graphic as to earn it an R-rating. It is a good date movie. It has romance, action, girl-power, comedy, and beautiful scenery. Watch it with someone you like to hug.

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