Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shooting Dogs (Beyond the Gates)

This movie was released as Beyond the Gates here in the US, but most other places had the original, far more fitting, title. This is a fairly similar story to Hotel Rwanda without the happy ending. Not that the story of 1990s Rwanda had ANY happy endings.

John Hurt and Hugh Dancy are brilliant together as differing generations dealing with the same crisis of conscience. Dominique Horwitz, new to us Yanks, but well known in his homeland, plays the head of a French delegation of UN troops in Rwanda at the time to observe the peace. His own struggle is as much a part of the story as any one's.

Based on actual events as told by the few survivors, this is a touching story with all too real action on both sides. As a resident of different African nations 20 years prior to this story, I observed the tribe-on-tribe violence and hatred that this story brings to light. Far worse than the racism most of us are familiar with, this movie shines fresh light on why the word genocide was used in this case.

This movie is not for everyone. There are strong religious and political themes. If you are not comfortable with your own beliefs in light of what others think, you may want to watch something less challenging. Otherwise this movie should prove entertaining, informative, thought provoking, and possibly even lead to action on your part.

Watch this with someone who as has lived in Africa and see if they recognize anything or anyone.

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