Monday, May 25, 2009

What Just Happened

Is this a bad movie about making bad movies or is it a good movie about making good movies? You decide. It is almost certainly an insiders look at how movies get made and what goes on behind the scenes. Literally.

Robert Di Niro is the main character in this movie but he is only one of many stars. The best line is delivered by Bruce Willis, but so are the worst lines.

Michael Wincott and John Turturro are great comic relief. Every good story has one, this movie has two. That does not make the story better, just a little more interesting.

Aspiring Hollywood movie wannabees should watch this to get a glimpse at how things work "in the industry". It makes me glad to be as far out of the loop as I am.

If you dare, watch this movie with someone who wishes they worked in Hollywood.

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