Monday, May 4, 2009

Soul Men (2008)

Definitely NOT the Blues Brothers, but certainly a couple of brothers WITH the blues. Very funny road trip kinda buddy movie kinda redemption pic. And the music is pure Motown. If you can get past the language and the occasional sex scenes, you should enjoy this movie. If not, those things will most likely ruin it for you.

I have said it before and this movie proves it again, Samuel L. Jackson can DO comedy - well. So what if he plays all his characters just a little bit the same? It works. Take his work in Black Snake Moan and compare it to something like his work in Pulp Fiction. Two opposite characters played almost the same way. And it works.

I can't help but think this role was made for the late Bernie Mac. This guy was funny 12 ways from Sunday no matter what he did. He meant it when he said he gave 150% every time he was in front of an audience.

I mentioned the Blues Brothers earlier and there are some clear similarities in the story but it does not interfere with the telling and only die hard fans will see them.

Watch this movie with someone who wants one more shot at stardom.

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