Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Rocker

What would happen if the big dopey guy from TV's The Office (Rainn Wilson) came out of the closet to admit he had been the original drummer for a mega-metal band. Would you buy it? That is actually the premise for this movie - more or less. And don't tell me it's like that rumor about Chevy Chase being the original drummer for Steely Dan. Not the same thing.

If you grew up dancing to, or imitating or lusting after, the big hair bands of the 70's and 80's, you may actually like this movie. I didn't. If you are a fan of Wilson's playing the ever-awkward-uber-geek, you may enjoy this story.

Christina Applegate plays a single mom who is sort of almost kinda like a love-interest to Wilson's character. Thank goodness that is not a major part of the story.

I have to admit the music to this is very good. But don't let anyone tell you this is a "That Thing You Do" for the current generation of rockers. Not even close.

Watch this with someone who has a high tolerance for over-acting by the main character. If not, they probably won't finish the movie.

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