Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Humboldt County

If you think you know California, think again. If you don't know why some people support the concept that California should be two different states, this movie might give you an idea. Northern California is as different from Southern California as hiking boots are from flips flops.

Jeremy Strong does a great job as the lone straight man in this comic cast. And in his first movie on the action side of the camera he gives us hope that more will be coming soon.

The real stars of the show however are Frances Conroy and Brad Dourif. I love their chemistry and what their characters represent to the rest of us. Brad Dourif is the type of Californian we locals meet every now and then. We would not be California without them.

If you don't mind the near constant peeing in the woods, you may enjoy the beautiful scenery. If nothing else, this film and a very loving portrait of a part of California few ever see. Enjoy it.

Watch this with someone who is dead set against counterculture types and see if they squirm a little.

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