Thursday, March 12, 2009

Henry Poole Is Here

Luke Wilson has the eyes of a dog. I don't mean that is a bad way. I mean you know what he is thinking and feeling just by looking at his eyes. As the Producer put it, Wilson acts more with his eyes than most actors do with their whole body.

If you think you have invasive neighbors, check out this movie and compare. Adriana Barraza plays a neighbor who sees the face of Christ in the stained stucco of Wilson's house. A house he buys to give up in and live out his final few days. Nobody will leave him alone and let him die in peace.

George Lopez shows he can really act. He plays a soft-spoken padre from the local church. I very much enjoyed his work here. No attempts to steal the show. No loud jokes. He plays his character very very well.

If this is a comedy it is a dark one indeed. Maybe more of a drama with funny bits. This movie is slow-moving but well organized. Nothing is wasted or unnecessary. I do like how this story unfolds like a blanket of unsure size.

The music is perfect and should make a good addition to anyone's collection. The use of color is brilliant, and the play of light and shadow is very smart. Forgive me if I wax all glowy here, but so often I see movies that are just not paying attention to everything going on behind the characters. This movie does that very well. No image is wasted.

Watch this movie with someone who you like to be squeezed by.

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