Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This movie was a little bit Star Wars ("Luke, I am your father"), a little bit Kung Fu Panda ("Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles"), and a little bit Office Space ("Work sucks"). All in all, those are parts of pop culture we can relate to. All in all it's a very fun movie to watch if you don't know anything about physics. I'm sure Mythbusters will have a special or two about this one.

James McAvoy goes to a whole new level in this movie. His character goes from deep depression to rage to total submission to cunning calculated murder in less than 2 hours.

Angelina Jolie does what she apparently does best, and Morgan Freeman reprises his "God" role yet again, sort of.

If you like the comic-themed action thriller, this is a good one even if you are not familiar with the comic upon which it is based. If you like twisty conspiracy theory stories with quirky characters, this is also a good movie for that. If you have a hard time suspending belief for Hollywood's sake, you may want to skip this one. Oh yeah, and if, like Indiana Jones, rats creep you out, maybe this is not the best movie for you.

I recommend you watch this movie with someone who totally joneses on adrenaline.

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