Saturday, April 5, 2008

Seducing Doctor Lewis

What "Northern Exposure" was to Cicely, Alaska (Roslyn, WA), this movie is to a small French fishing town. The story is basically the same. The fishing village wants to lure a large employer to their depressed part of the coast, but the employer won't come until the town has a full-time doctor.

So, one of the local big-shots, ala Maurice Minnifield, organizes the town to help seduce a big-city doctor to set up practice.

The plot is totally predictable, but then again, so is a fun road-trip. The movie is in French, so if you hate subtitles, will be tough to enjoy. The location is beautiful and the characters are as delightful as those in "Waking Ned Devine".

You will most likely not know any of the main characters, so you'll be able to totally immerse yourself in the story and character development. I am not a big fan of French cinema, with very few exceptions. But this one if very watchable treat. Enough so that it won the Audience Award at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival in Utah.

Watch it with someone who grew up either in a big city or in a wee village.

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