Friday, February 15, 2008

Movies You Can Skip

In no particular order...

Feast Of Love - looked good on paper - Morgan Freeman, Greg Kinear, Fred Ward, Selma Blair, and Kate Mulligan all in a 'everybody loves somebody else' story - bad slow - no likeable characters except for the dog.

Peaceful Warrior - if you read the book you'll hate the movie for how badly it represented the characters - there are no gas stations on campus at Berkeley, so setting this one in the middle of a park is too unbelievable - the only relatable character is Joy and she is not on screen long enough (pretty much like the book).

Good Luck Chuck - this movie could have been called several other things, all of them just as stupid as the plot and characters, and none of them family-friendly - Jessica Alba and Dane Cook should have done a much better job of convincing us they were acting.

Dragon Wars - Korean myth placed in modern day LA - tough sell - but an honorable attempt - almost enough wire fighting and action, and the CG dragons were pretty good, but just not enough good acting, and too much of the other kind.

Death Sentence - if you plan the Kevin Bacon game, you can now add John Goodman as a direct link - but that is about the only pleasant thing about this movie - hard to watch - too many really bad decisions by the characters - and a rotten message to the audience.

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