Sunday, January 30, 2011

Inhale (2010)

What would you do if you had to make a choice on the epic scale of Meryl Streep's Sophie, or Dermot Mulroney's Paul in this movie? We think that would be an easy answer, but watch the movie and think again.

Diane Kruger plays the wife of Mulroney's District Attorney on the quest of lungs for his diseased daughter. When the normal channels fail them this distraught couple goes for an "dirty secret" alternative.

The makers of this film clearly have an agenda and the story does help tell it well. If you don't mind the message, the film is actually very well made. On the other hand, there are parts of this movie that are hard to watch, especially if you are a parent.

There are plenty of other strong performances by familiar faces, but Kristian Ferrer, as young Miguel (aka Jefe), steals the show for the most part.

Watch this movie with someone who appreciate the multiple ironies.

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