Monday, January 31, 2011

Despicable Me (2010)

Want a fun, cute little movie you won't have to think about too much? This is a good one. Want a movie you can watch with kids of all ages and not worry about what may or may not happen or be said? This comes as close as movies come these days.

The animation is first rate and over-the-top outrageous. In this case, that is a great thing.

The voices come from some very surprising big names. Don't bother trying to match them up by ear. You need a list to believe you ears in this one. Happily, the animated characters look nothing like their voice counterparts as is the case with so many CG toons lately.

Here is a short list:
Steve Carrell
Jason Segel
Russell Brand
Julie Andrews (no kidding)
Will Arnett

The voices of the 3 little girls who change the bad guy's world are fantastic. I hope they can act as well as they read. Oh wait, they can, and already have.

Watch this movie with someone who was a fan of Mad Magazine's Spy vs Spy.

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