Friday, May 7, 2010

Pressure Cooker (2008)

While this is a story that takes place mostly in kitchens, it is NOT a movie for foodies. While this is a movie about triumph over adversity it is not a "feel good" story. The whole point of this movie, in my opinion, is to illustrate to those of us who live outside this world, to what extremes, and what extraordinary measures, are required to lift a child of poverty out of the vicious cycle.

The more uncomfortable that thought makes you the more you need to see this movie. Many of us talk the talk of pulling oneself up by one's own bootstraps and making one's own way in the world. This movie makes the point very clearly that nobody can do it on their own. It really does take a village to raise someone, and we are all in the village, directly or indirectly.

Yes, it is a documentary, and very few of those make my blog. This one, while not as exciting or entertaining as others here, is nevertheless just as worthy.

Kudos to the kids who stick with this program. Kudos to the adults to make it possible. And kudos to those who watch this movie and feel inspired to DO something.

Watch this with someone, anyone, who will benefit from the message, or who can benefit the cause.

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