Monday, May 24, 2010

Crazy Heart

So many things going on during this movie, taken separately are very good, but together make a memorable movie. The story is not exactly new. Producer and co-star Robert Duvall played a similar character with somewhat similar results a few years ago. This effort is much better.

Here are some things I'm crazy about when it comes to this movie:

The music - well deserving of the Oscar.
The acting - Jeff Bridges certainly earned his too, and Maggie Gyllenhaal deserved her nomination.
The story - good things CAN happen to bad people.
The scenes - what can I say, I like dives.
The unexpected things - like the humble abode our fading country star calls home in Houston.
The photography - this movie makes the dreariest places look pretty good.

Watch this movie with someone who can enjoy all the verses.

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