Saturday, February 6, 2010

District 9

Please imagine my shock. One day I'm enjoying a very hearty laugh with a friend over how bad we both thought this movie was. And the next day this movie is nominated for Best Picture. Ouch!

Am I that far adrift of the Academy? Perhaps. Or maybe they feel this movie about how bad humans treat aliens is a good commentary on how bad we treat each other and should repent of our wicked ways. While that may be true, it does not make it one of the best pictures of the year.

On the one hand this movie is very realistic in how it depicts what might happen under these circumstance. I think Alien Nation did a much better job in 1988. On the other hand it was really just a very long Van De Merwa joke. If you know anyone actually from South Africa, ask them about Van De Merwa jokes.

Having said that, Sharlto Copley, who play Van De Merwa in this story gives a very powerful performance.

If the powers that be think this movie shakes a very stern finger at fascist, racist, nationalistic, paternalistic governments, they are right. Remember what our Mom's told us about pointing fingers? Show me an organization, public or private, that does not behave in the same way. They must or they don't survive.

It will be a while before I'm ready to eat prawns again.

Watch this movie to support your own opinions - don't take my word for anything.

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