Sunday, November 22, 2009


Everyone is guilty of, and everyone is a victim of, racism. Regardless of who we are and what we deny, this applies to all of us. If you have not yet seen this movie, you should. Watching this movie with a group of people is far more effective than any diversity training I've been exposed to.

Nominated for 6, it won 3 Oscar's in 2006 - Best Picture, Best Editing, Best Writing. All are deserved.

Talk about an all-start cast: Matt Dillion, Terrance Howard, Thandie Newton, Sandra Bullock, Brendan Fraser, Don Cheadle, and Michael Peña just to name a few. There are more for sure.

The acting is superb and just about everyone should be able to relate to at least one of these characters. That is what makes this movie so special - it's easy to put yourself in the place of at least one character. Lessons should be learned.

Watch this with someone who is, in one way or another, different from you.

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