Monday, August 17, 2009

The Punisher

One of you recently suggested to me that I check out this series given my taste for graphic comics made into movies. I had never heard of The Punisher comic so I had no interest in the movie. Thank you for the tip however. This movie has all the features of a classic comic gone action movie.

You have over-acting. You have comic relief. You have a central hero who is likable. You have a wealth of events Mythbusters can prove impossible. So if that is not your thing, don't watch this movie. On the other hand...

Thomas Jane, who was great as Mickey Mantle in 61*, is enjoyable in this role as the tragically heroic central character. He is just human enough, just vulnerable enough, and certainly buff enough to pull the role off.

There are some great names in the supporting cast too: John Travolta as the uber bad guy target of this episode's punishments, Roy Scheider as the gunsmitthing father of our hero, Rebecca Romijn as the sexy neighbor angel, Will Patton as the main bad guy's doer-of-dirty-deeds, with Ben Foster and John Pinette as the goofy but loyal neighbors.

This movie is admittedly not for everyone, but for those who like a good graphic comic brought to life this is a worthy effort. Thank you again for the suggestion.

Watch this with plenty of popcorn and a friend to enjoy the ride.

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