Saturday, August 22, 2009

I Love You, Man

Bromance? Okay, I was skeptical when I first heard that term. But, this movie is a bit more than that. It is more than just another romantic comedy slash buddy movie. If used properly this movie could be a good reality check for soon-to-wed-couples.

Why are YOU getting married, and what role will your old friends play in the new relationship and your new life? Think about it. Talk about it.

Paul Rudd does an amazing job playing the guy who is great with his male/female relationships, but is terrible when it comes to having guy-friends. After a series of man-dates he learns what it means to have a best friend.

Sidney Segal does an equally amazing job as a guy also searching for a replacement for his friends who have moved on with their lives. In many ways this character reminds me of the Encino Man character Link. We should all have a friend like this to help us be a better friend ourselves.

This movie however is not for everyone. There are many awkward scenes where normally taboo subjects are discussed openly, much to the chagrin of the main character. There are many good belly laughs and even a few thought provoking moments which may cause a bit of self-examination. Maybe.

Watch this movie with your BFF and see if it changes your relationship.

1 comment:

JayBee said...

I love Encino Man!