Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A History of Violence

Ever wonder about people in your neighborhood? Ever wonder what they are like when you can't see them? Ever wonder what they were like before they moved to your area? This movie is a great story about the past life of one small town's familiar face.

Viggo Mortensen is your typical mild-mannered small-town cafe owner. One day when bad guys come in to rob his cafe he handles them with the aplomb of a seasoned street fighter. He is an instant local hero with expanding press coverage. This exposure brings with it some unwanted attention however.

Ed Harris, who almost always plays the best of genuinely good guys, plays the opposite here. He is amazing, and makes us forget his other roles as Mr. Perfect.

William Hurt is a big surprise as well, but I don't want to give too much away by explaining why.

This movie will take you places you did not expect to go. The title suggests something far more sinister and dark that is actually portrayed. If you skipped this movie back in 2005, I totally understand. But, I highly recommend it as a good rental with popcorn. Yes it is violent. Yes it is brutal and a bit graphic. But I bet you'll relate to Mortensen's character, or to that of his wife, played smartly by Maria Bello. Few wives won't see a bit of themselves in Bello's trusting, faithful character. How far that goes is something most relationships go through at some point.

Watch this movie with someone who will debate with you the pros and cons of how it ends.

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