Monday, June 2, 2008

The Bee Movie

Have you seen this movie yet? Did you like it? Why? I have not decided yet.

Yes, kids should love this. Lots of colorful action, enough slap-stick to keep them laughing, and a very simple plot - basically. Much however will go over their heads as is usual animation genre. That was the case Bugs Bunny and it's still the case today. Smart cartoon producers know to keep the big AND little kids happy and you'll have fresh material for many generations.

I'm not sure however there is enough in this story to keep us bigger kids fans for more than the duration of the flick. The most fun I had was trying to identify all the famous voices used. The list IS very impressive. There were 4 or 5 I was totally wrong about. How about you?

As Jerry Seinfeld projects go, this one is iffy in my opinion. Again, the voices are what make this movie the most fun for us alleged grown-ups.

The bee puns are everywhere, and some are actually pretty good. But enough is enough already. They do mock several very popular movie concepts too. How many did you notice?

Regardless of how you felt about this movie, I can recommend it to anyone with kids; big or little. Watch this movie with your honey. Oy vey.

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