Monday, September 20, 2010

Boogie Woogie

The bad news is that this movie is full of self-serving, egotistical, London art snobs. They lie cheat and steal. The good news is that they appear to only prey on each other. They other good news is that there actually IS a story. You just have to wait for it.

The other good news is that there are some great names and wonderful performances. There is also a very disturbing scene involving a removed body part that has little or nothing to do with the story.

Gillian Anderson, Heather Graham, Amanda Seyfried, and Gemma Atkinson lead a strong stunning female ensemble. Danny and Jack Huston, Stellan Skarsgård, Simon McBurney, Alan Cumming, and the legendary Christopher Lee all give the male gender a bad bad name. Very bad name.

The story, as such, is about a fictional painting that everyone appears to want. The story ends with as many questions as it poses. What really happened to the painting? Where did the money go? And where did it come from? Oh, and why do some characters appear to have different names depending on the scene. I clearly didn't have the score card to keep track.

Watch this if you are really really really into art, hard-R for sexual content movies, and vague story lines.

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