Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Ledge (2011)

Are you willing to die for your beliefs?  Charlie Hunnam (of Sons of Anarchy fame) and Patrick Wilson face off over both religious differences and the love of Liv Tyler's character.  The great Terrance Howard is trying to keep his world from spinning out of control and his target from jumping from a ledge.  Twisted and odd as this story seems to some, it's all very plausible.

The characters are compelling and the story works even though it may feel way off base to many of us.  Hunnam's character may have been played by an older guy but Charlie makes it work, and makes us like him.
Although this movie was shot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana there are not discernible southern or creole accents.  Perhaps that made it an easier sell on the coasts?

Watch this movie with someone who needs to learn to tell stories faster.

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