Monday, May 30, 2011

The Mechanic (2011)

Good judgement comes from experience.  Experience comes from exercising bad judgement.  I was glad to see a version of this, one of my favorite old quotes, in this movie.  I remember seeing the original with Charles Bronson when I was a kid.  This is a worthy remake.

Jason Statham plays the top dog assassin amongst a company set up hire out their services.  When the company president tricks him into killing his best friend and mentor, Statham's character takes his revenge.  Bronson played this character back in the 70's and Statham is as quietly confident and efficient as the original.  Well played.

Ben Foster steps up his range a notch while still managing to play the loser trying to make good. Donald Sutherland is warm and fuzzy as the mentor and friend.  The rest of the cast fit well and play nice together.  Ha.

With only a few continuity and factual problems, this movie is fast-moving and often suspenseful.

Watch this movie with someone who think vengeance is their mission.

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