Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dirty Harry (1971)

Forty years ago a genre of cop stories was perfected and an iconic American folk hero character was "born". Before there was "I'll be back" and "Yippee-ki-yay, mother...", there was ""Do ya feel lucky punk?" and "Go ahead, make my day."

Clint Eastwood's Harry Callahan expressed what many were thinking at a time in our country when the concept of political correctness just getting it's legs. Some say the phrase "anti-hero" was coined to describe Dirty Harry. Was it a pro-fascism movie? Was it anti-liberal? You decide.

If you have not seen this movie or it's sequels, you owe it to yourself as movie fan to see what some consider the Father of Rogue Cop movies. Truth be told this genre was not new, but it was never done better. Dirty Harry was released the same year as The French Connection, another great in the same theme. They may have just been a reflection of what a large segment of the population was thinking then. Have times come full circle? Notice any familiar notions?

Watch this movie with someone who remembers the Silent Majority.

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