Sunday, August 15, 2010

La Vie en Rose - La môme (original title)

If you see only one French movie in your life, this should be one to consider. Also known as "The Passionate Life of Edith Piaf", it is the story of Edith (duh) told from a sometimes maddening mix of time-line changes. We see her from childhood to death bed.

Marion Cotillard won a Oscar for her nothing-short-of-genius work in the title role. How often does the lead of a "foreign" film win Best Actress? That answer alone speaks volumes. Watch and see for yourself. The rest of the cast comes and goes and is wonderful in their respective supporting roles.

This movie WILL make you cry, and for various different reasons. I cried for an abused little girl, for a brilliant short scene with Marlene Dietrich played flawlessly by Caroline Sihol, and I wept during the final musical performance. Your results may vary.

Watch this movie with someone who needs to be reminded that they had it pretty good growing up the way they did.

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