Monday, July 5, 2010

Remember Me

Director Allen Coulter's work is probably familiar to all of us, but we just don't know his name. That is a shame. After working in TV since the late 80s he makes the great leap onto the big screen. And not for the first time, but, in my opinion, in his first significant production.

Robert Pattinson is no small commodity these days, and neither is Pierce Brosnan or Lena Olin. All three are wonderful, smart, evolutionary characters in this touching, if not difficult to watch story. I say difficult because we watch the main characters make really bad choices over and over again. But that is part of the evolution. That is a critical part of the story. Be patient.

Emile de Ravin of Lost fame holds her own very well against these big screen heavy-weights. He accent is gone and she almost seems like the native New Yorker she portrays. Her cop Dad is played brilliantly by Chris Cooper, who, in this story at least, is my favorite character. Daddy's of daughters almost always are my favs.

Three groups of people will most likely LOVE this movie. 1 - Fans of brooding pretty boys. 2 - Fans of New York City. 3 - People who realize whats going to happen once they hear the first President Bush on Television. No spoilers here.

Watch this with someone who is in one of the above categories.

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