Thursday, April 22, 2010


How long could you live in solitary confinement? Sam Rockwell plays a guy who signs on for a 3-year (or so he thought) gig on a moon-based mining facility by himself (or so he thought). No spoilers here, but a few things in the story are not what they seem - or there would be no story.

Basically this is a story of corporate greed with a 2001: Space Odyssey facade. In fact given the movie feels like an homage to Stanley Kubrick. Classical music in space scenes and an always calm monotone computer, voiced by Kevin Spacey, are just two examples.

SciFi fans will most likely enjoy this unless they are also action junkies. This is an old-school sci-fi film where bad things happen to good people in space.

Watch this movie with someone who will enjoy pointing out all the 2001 similarities.

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