Friday, March 19, 2010

The Hangover

Some people just can't handle Vegas? Some people just can't handle this movie. I can see this being very popular with people who have never actually been to Vegas, or done something recklessly stupid, or lost money in Vegas.

This is however a very clever story and there are some funny moments. There are also some large plot gaps and many of us are asked to suspend belief a bit too much. It is pretty much just a huge commercial for "What Happens in Vegas - Stays in Vegas".

Zach Galifianakis is the real star here. His character is the most amusing and most consistent. Disturbing, but funny. Ed Helms provides a great counter-weight character-wise for this group. Everyone else pretty much just phoned it in except for the cameos by Mike Tyson, Ken Jeong, and Mike Epps.

Watch this, if you are curious, with someone who has never actually been to Vegas and harbors the fantasy that most, if any of this, could actually happen to anyone without much more serious consequences. What? I'm just saying.....

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