Thursday, September 17, 2009


What can you say about a movie that is nominated for 5 Oscars and wins none? What can you say about a movie that in very entertaining and compelling without telling much of a story? What can you say about a movie with two of the best actors in the business today? I say thank you Hollywood for still making movies like this.

Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman are nothing short of brilliant in this story. I'm not clear on how they figured Hoffman played a supporting role here, but that is way besides the point. This guy's range is wide open. And Streep remains the gold standard and proves again why she is the most nominated actor in history. Yup more than Hepburn and Nicholson by 3 each.

But this movie is not just about the actors. Here the weather is as much a character as any of the cast. It is a reflection of the relationship between the main characters. Very smart.

Amy Adams is very very good here as well. This was a very good role choice for her. It should help her branch out into a wider range of opportunities.

You do not need to be a New Yorker or a product of parochial education to enjoy this movie, but it may enhance your experience if you are one or the other. Both? I guarantee it.

Watch this movie with someone who will pick on the the subtle changes in the relationships with all the characters.

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