Friday, April 24, 2009

I Served the King of England

Or, for your purists : Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále. This very cute "foreign" film (no I don't like that phrase) is full of absurd surprises. If you need a reference point, think Peter Seller's "Being There" - sort of.

This film from the Czech Republic starts with a man getting out of prison. He unfolds his past as his new life develops around him. Scenes bounce back and forth as you see subtle similarities. All the observations of humanity are quite clever.

English is rarely spoken but appears in subtitles. So, if you don't like "reading" a movie, and you don't understand Czeck or German, you may want to pass on this one.

It has a R rating from the MPAA people with good reason. Strong sexual content and lots of nudity. Don't watch this if that bothers you.

On the other hand, if you watch this with someone who likes being a virtual historical tourist, it might be fun.

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